Your Vision for Your Team.

Day 66 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! As a leader, as a business owner,  as an entrepreneur… you must be clear what your vision is… what are you working towards to achieve… and your team must have it clear as well. Your vision as a team leader must be laser-focused. Knowing what you are building will allow […]

How to Create an Awesome Team.

Day 65 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! When you are building a team to build your business, one essential skill to be highly careful about is being flexible over being rigid. Too much of either one is detrimental to your success. However, you must know when to be flexible and when to be firm. I purposefully chose […]

Teamwork starts with YOU.

Day 64 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Will you hire YOU to make your team become the best in class? What is your leadership role in your company? Whether you are a business owner or an employee for a company, you hold a space for which you are responsible to produce specific results… How are you working […]

Make Clients to Love YOU.

Day 63 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Why should your clients choose YOU over your competitors? What is so special about YOU? You better answer these questions deeply. Your answers are what makes you stand out from others. There is only one YOU and it is your job to make you relevant, be seen, be heard, be […]

Lifetime Clients.

Day 62 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! We want great clients. We want new clients. But, have you ever thought about how you treat your clients beyond and outside your sales cycle? Most people do not even understand what I am really asking here. I will explain now… I learned this concept with Jay Abraham. He is […]

Mind Your Posture with Your Clients.

Day 61 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!   When you are dealing with your clients, POSTURE is often ignored. What posture? … Your posture towards how you want your clients to perceive you and consequently treat you… and buy from you. Yes, you want to please your clients. Yes, you want them to be happy. Yes, you […]

60 Days Building Wealth.

Day 60 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Let’s celebrate today! It is a milestone in our journey to become even more affluent. 60 days seems not like a lot of time, yet we now realize how much can be achieved. We know how much knowledge we can acquire by studying success concepts just 5 minutes a day. […]

Rotten Apple Clients.

Day 59 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! There are 3 main groups of clients. There are RED apple clients. There are GREEN apple clients. And there are ROTTEN apple clients. It is to your advantage to know who you are talking to, because it will save you tons of time and it will help you increase your […]

Green Apple Clients.

Day 58 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Who is a GREEN APPLE CLIENT and how to deal with them? This category of prospective clients are those who will ask tons and tons of questions after they have heard your presentation. They are not ready to buy. They will eventually buy if they see the value you offer, […]

Red Apple Clients.

Day 57 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! You want to sell your products and services. You have a prospective client in front of you, but how do you know if this client is ready or not to buy from you? And how do you figure that out quickly so you don’t waste your time? There are 3 […]