Day 80 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! When you feel positive about something, do you feel good or bad? Sure you feel good. POSITIVENESS is a powerful mental state to be in, as much as you can, for as long as you can, daily, hourly and minutely.  The feeling of POSITIVENESS will enable you to move forward, […]

Feeling of… HOPEFULNESS.

Day 79 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! HOPEFULNESS is a bit stronger positive feeling than contentment. It is more like, things are starting to go my way and I have good expectations of the outcome.  Feeling hopeful while building your business will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. When […]

Feeling of… CONTENTMENT.

Day 78 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! A feeling of CONTENTMENT is a mild form of happiness. It is accepting of where you are under current circumstances. It is a mental state where you are vibrating more towards feeling good… and that is great to build a great networth. Being content is a good start if you […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Resentment.

Day 77 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Resentment carried over time will profoundly hinder you and make you not good at all. Problems we encounter through life are difficult to overcome many times… and our dislike or dissatisfaction with the outcome make us recurrently go back and resent it and relive it again… we don’t leave it […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Doubt.

Day 76 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Both, in life and in business, we all arrive at that spot where we don’t know which way to go. What is the best direction? Which is the right decision? Do I go this way or that way? Do I move forward or backward? Do I go right or left? […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Fear.

Day 75 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!   What do you fear the most? Have you noticed that when you fear something, almost always you get it? What we focus on expands! It is just like that. We all have fears at many different levels and we learn to live with them daily. As a matter of […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Anger.

Day 74 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! When emotions are high, reasoning decreases, common sense becomes nonexistent and the results can be detrimental to everyone involved. Anger is another emotion that is present at some degree in our daily environment and we might not even notice because we are too busy or because we manage to cover […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Hatred.

Day 73 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Do you hear people around you saying: “I hate this. I hate that. I hate my job. I hate my life”. Hatred is a very strong and powerful emotion. Actually, a very negative strong emotion that leads to destruction, pain and more suffering. As a leader, as a business owner,  […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Depression.

Day 72 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Another emotion that is being very silently present in today’s reality is depression. Especially after covid-19, many people feel depressed. They don’t understand why. They feel not happy at all. They don’t even know what to do to feel better. And those people going through this right now might be […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Grief.

Day 71 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Our Emotions are the thermometer that lets us know how we feel, how we are doing and that determines the way we act, react and execute in our business and in our lives every day. Emotional bleeding creates even more financial bleeding… and your awareness of it, may help you […]