Emotions We Must Heal: Doubt.

Day 76 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

Both, in life and in business, we all arrive at that spot where we don’t know which way to go.

What is the best direction? Which is the right decision?

Do I go this way or that way? Do I move forward or backward? Do I go right or left?

What do I do now?

Doubt is another emotion that can and will drive you insane, paralyze you and totally disempower you if you let it.

Doubt can and will keep you stuck on that tough spot if you let it.

What do I do now?


You are not going to figure out your 10 miles ahead all the time.

Well, focus on what you can do that will help you take one step forward… just one step… one small step… that’s all!

When building a business, a career, we all go through these situations and we must be able to recognize our emotions and feelings.

Why aren’t you moving forward? Why aren’t you happy? Why aren’t you thriving?

We have to come clean and honest with ourselves and find these answers within ourselves.

What truly motivates and inspires you is unique to you… maybe others feel the same, but it will never be exactly like what it feels like for you… so you must answer your own questions… and clear out your own doubts.

One approach I have practiced for years is: “When in doubt, don’t do it”… first… get clear, listen to your inner voice, decide, commit and then do it when you feel ready.

Because of doubt you might have passed on that great deal. Because of doubt you never went to that meeting where an opportunity was waiting for you. Because of doubt you never made the decision to commit to build a big business, make millions and change your life forever…because you doubted yourself… you didn’t believe in you making the right decision… so you gave up and did nothing.


You can and will change that.

You will make a decision that will change your life forever and you will trust yourself on making that decision.

You will say good-bye to your doubts that have kept you a prisoner and away from you feeling happy and excited.


1. Examine where in your life and in your business, you have doubts.

2. Write them down… evaluate them carefully.

3. Commit to making a decision so your doubts turn into a new reason to thrive.

Doubts are wonderful opportunities for you to fine tune even more the things that are really important for you while you are building your networth.

It is not only about your networth… while you are doing that, you are also building a path, a journey, your life experience… What do you want your life to be like?

Think about it well!


P.S… To receive every piece of advice and recommendations up to now, to catch up with our “365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth”… visit, www.GoNetworthing.com

P.P.S… To get a copy of my book, visit Amazon on this link, just click here!

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