Day 80 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

When you feel positive about something, do you feel good or bad?

Sure you feel good.

POSITIVENESS is a powerful mental state to be in, as much as you can, for as long as you can, daily, hourly and minutely. 

The feeling of POSITIVENESS will enable you to move forward, to make great decisions and to move your needle one more degree towards your goals and objectives. 

When we are feeling positive, we feel clear. We know where we are going. We move effortlessly. 

It is not always like that though. And that is also ok. But, the sooner you go back to your positive mindset the better it is.

Look for things that give you evidence of a positive outcome.

What we focus on EXPANDS. 

So, expand your evidence that good and positive things will come to you.

Your networth growing is an evidence of good coming to you and you allowing that good to come to you.


Look all around you for things that bring you a feeling of POSITIVENESS

Practice that feeling within. Get comfortable feeling positive. Repeat it many times until it is anchored in you.

Make the feeling of POSITIVENESS your new and improved default-setting. 


P.S… To receive every piece of advice and recommendations up to now, to catch up with our “365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth”… visit, www.GoNetworthing.com

P.P.S… To get a copy of my book, visit Amazon on this link, just click here!

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