Protect Your Intellectual Property.

Day 110 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! When you are building your business and you are writing posts, blogs, making videos, sharing your expertise… that’s your Intellectual property! The way you share your message,  the words you use… that’s your intellectual property.  When you come up with your own unique quote… that’s your intellectual property.  When you […]

No Cash Advertising.

Day 46 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! We all need to advertise our services and products, but for most, the cost of advertising is a problem, consequently, we restrain ourselves from making that investment because we don’t know how to make that money back in time to continue building the business. What if… you can implement a […]

“YOU” and Your Social Media.

  Day 33 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Know that if you are building a business and your online presence, you will benefit from having a consistent social media presence. However, You do not need to be on every platform. You do not need to have millions of followers. You do not need to overwhelm yourself at […]

We’ve reached over 2,000,000 people!

Today we have reached and surpassed a milestone. Today we have over 2,000,000 people who are watching our livestreams. And what is the big deal? Well, this is being done totally organically… no paid traffic, no paid advertising, no pay-per-clicks campaigns, nothing of that. We decided to simply share the content from our websites, from our network to Facebook and […]

How to STAND OUT from the crowd?

Be the one doing the videos. Be the one doing the blogs. Be the one doing the posting & sharing of your content. Be the one doing the trainings. BE THE ONE WHO STANDS OUT FROM THE CROWD & you’ll become the one who collects the money. Your expertise has value so charge for it. Most people are doing the […]