Making Sense of my Sales.

  Day 13 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Your sales drive your bottom line. Your sales are the ones that keep you in business or put you out-of-business. If you are not making sales, you are driving yourself to a voluntary suicide… and you are killing your business. Reconsider your sales approach now! How many sales will it […]

Activities that drive up my NetWorth.

  Day 12 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!   Are you needing more time in your daily business day to produce more results in your business? FOCUS your time in maximizing your SKILLS… FOCUS your time in only DOING what you know you are REALLY REALLY GOOD AT to bring you more revenue. DELEGATE the rest. Today, […]

Which Skills will Impact your Networth?

  Day 11 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Take inventory of your skill sets. Are your current skills good enough to make you earn all the income you need? What if you need to update your skills? And, What are these new skills you now need to acquire in order to adapt to the new economy, the […]

Owning Assets is the Key to Grow your Networth.

  Day 10 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Assets put money in your pocket. Liabilities take money out-of-your-pocket… this is the best definition I have heard from Robert Kiyosaki.   When you sell a service or a product, you earn money… (asset)… but when you spend that money… you no longer have that asset… then, you go […]

Where’s the Cashflow?

Day 9 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth How do you cashflow now? … Daily? … Weekly? … Monthly? … only a few times per year? Many people only cashflow when they get their paycheck or their commission check… times are changing quickly and now we have access to get paid even daily, consequently, we can cashflow every […]

How to Increase your Income?

Day 8 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Starting today, focus your efforts, time, energy and activities that maximize, innovate, improve, duplicate, triplicate YOUR INCOME. Your income dictates the level of life you enjoy every single day of your life. Your income level allows you or not to participate in investment opportunities. Your income dictates the kind of […]

How to Talk Yourself into Success.

Talk to yourself in a way that you will hear it and in a way that will serve you best. Today, I am happy to share with you the exact language, the exact words, the exact message I use every day before I do anything in the early morning. Let me introduce you to my Millionaire Approach Affirmations.  I talk […]

How to Reprogram your Mind for Success.

Today, I share my own philosophy for Success. By age 10, I was already playing a high-performing game. I was a high-performing athelete. I was a diver. I jumped from 1, 3 and 10 meters high. My coach was really tough on me, but I am glad she was that way. She taught me to play the best game, better […]