Making Sense of my Sales.


Day 13 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

Your sales drive your bottom line. Your sales are the ones that keep you in business or put you out-of-business.

If you are not making sales, you are driving yourself to a voluntary suicide… and you are killing your business.

Reconsider your sales approach now!

How many sales will it take you to achieve the income level you set for this challenge back on Day 1?

Have you broken down these sales in detail? Time, schedule, ideal client, per month, per quarter, per year.

Do you have to sell one product or service… or… a combination of them?

Have you figured out the marketing cost to get leads and convert these leads into paying clients?

Once you make a sale, is this sale ongoing…or… do you need to find a new client for the next sale?

Have you contemplated increasing your unit price in order to reach your goal faster?

Once you make a sale and money is in your hand, do you have a plan to maximize that money return back to you to build up your networth?


Take the time to answer these questions… those answers will help you become more efficient, more productive and more effective in your approach to make your sales a success.

P.S… To check out Day 1-12 of 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth… visit,

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