Follow Up After The Sale.

Day 56 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! You closed your sale, then what? Most people leave it at that and what they don’t realize that they also leave at that is all the potential additional profits they can make from one client in additional sales and referrals. What is the value of one client for you? … […]

Closing Your Sales.

Day 55 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! You get your prospective client in front of you. You present your product or service elegantly. You answer all their questions brilliantly. And then, you stall, wait, hesitate, keep talking, go in circles repeating the same presentation to end up losing the sale… because you didn’t ask a question that […]

Objections need to be Sold.

Day 54 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Regardless of how much your product or service benefits your client, most prospective clients will always have some sort of objection before they buy from you. When you understand this simple detail, you will no longer suffer or stress out when they keep asking you questions before they buy. When […]

Sell more and Sell faster.

Day 53 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! When you are confident about your service or product, your sales process and yourself, you have tremendous leverage points that you can utilize to make your sales even more effective and profitable. You can repackage your service or product and offer groups of it at a time. I mean, you […]

Selling at the right price.

Day 52 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! What is the right price for your services or products? This is a tricky question to answer… and many people will tend to say: “I don’t know”. When you pair up pricing and value together it is easy to see how they correlate. Understanding this simple distinction can increase your […]

Master Your Sales Process.

Day 51 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! As a business owner and entrepreneur, you want to increase your sales so your income increases, but how do you do it consistently and effectively? To answer that question, you must be able to master your sales process. What is your current sales process like? Have you taken the time […]

Why Love Selling.

Day 50 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Do you love to sell your business, your services, your products and yourself? If you are like most people… you might really dread selling stuff… the idea of talking to people, offering your services and products, seeing their reactions, and dreading to hear a “NO”… is totally devastating to our […]

Advertise your Story.

Day 49 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Everyone has a very unique, exclusive and inspiring story to share with the world… What is yours? Your own personal experiences are the fuel that can make someone instantly connect with you, want to buy from you, want to be with you, want to invest with you, want to build […]

Effective Advertising.

Day 48 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Effective advertising will help you connect better with your current clients and your future clients. When working on your strategy make sure it is credible, relatable, unique and memorable in order to work. You must be willing to test your market with your message… are you getting results? Are your […]

Free Advertising.

Day 47 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Free advertising or free publicity is possible, very doable and profitable if you know how. Some celebrities like the Kardashians get tons of free exposure totally for free from media sources out of anything they do. When that happens, their brands, their products and their businesses grow. You can do […]