Seal your Advertising with a Tagline.

Day 45 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

There is a simple distinction all powerful, known and successful brands have: a TAGLINE or slogan that is unique to them… and they use it on their marketing and advertising campaigns all the time.

Nike: Just do it.

L’Oreal: Because I’m worth it.

KFC: Finger lickin’ good.

Coca-Cola: It’s the real thing.

John Deere: Nothing runs like a Deere.

Burger King: Have it your way.

Apple: Think different.

American Express: Don’t leave home without it.

AT&T: Reach put and touch someone.

Ajax: Stronger than dirt.

Do you have yours already?

A slogan or a tagline will help you stand out. It creates brand awareness. It helps you reinforce your message and what you stand for.


Create your own tagline or slogan that will make you feel memorable regardless of the products or services you offer.

Here are a few suggestions:

1.-Keep simple and short.

2.- Focus on the message.

3.- Make it timeless.

4.- Put emotion into it.

5.- Be authentically you.

Make your tagline or slogan a consistent component of all the marketing and advertising you do from now on.

For me, as Ms.Pino: “Laugh. Learn. Live at your Best!”

For our Home Freedom Program: “The more we share, the more we help”

What’s yours?


P.S… To receive every piece of advice and recommendations up to now, to catch up with our “365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth”… visit,

P.P.S… To get a copy of my book, visit Amazon on this link, just click here!

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