Confusion Strategy.

Week 38. Day 253 – 259 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Have you ever felt confused? Have you felt like you don’t know which way to go? … in your life. … in your love relationship. … in your career or business. We all have felt very confused at one point or another. Then, what? Being confused […]

Consistently Different Approach to Life.

Week 34. Day 225 – 231 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! I often hear people saying how bored they are with their lives, how monotonous their relationships are. These same people usually have very bad habits of doing things over and over again that do not bring them any joy, any pleasure, any satisfaction or fulfillment for […]

Who are You with Money?

Week 33. Day 218 – 224 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! This week, I want to bring you to a moment of reflection about who are you with money. Yes. Who are you really? Who are you as a rich person? Who are you as a wealthy person? Are you kind? Are you a snob? Are you […]

How to Change Yourself.

Week 32. Day 211 – 217 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! This week, I want to inspire you to further advance in your self development and self awareness by sharing with you this really good material from Dr. JOE DISPENZA. Maybe you find yourself stuck in some areas of your life and you really wish to feel […]

Looking Into Your Future!

Week 28. Day 183 – 189 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Starting this week, we are changing the way we have shared out message… we are going to go weekly instead of daily. We believe that so far we have shared amazing foundational information that is enough to get you started, moving forward and propell you to create […]

Take a day to rest.

Day 182 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Take day to rest. Take a day to meet with wonderful friends. Take a day to reset. And tomorrow,  go back and keep building your networth!   P.S… To receive every piece of advice and recommendations up to now, to catch up with our “365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth”… visit, […]

Recap on the 365 days CHALLENGE.

Day 181 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! What’s this 365 days challenge all about? After being on it myself and a wonderful group of nearly 100 business owners and entrepreneurs… I can personally tell you that this challenge is about who you want to become… it is about exploring, discovering and expanding a better version of yourself in […]

180 Days of Building Wealth.

Day 180 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Today, we MADE IT TO 180 CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF BUILDING WEALTH! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE STAYED ON COURSE TO BUILD YOUR NETWORTH! Now, looking back for a moment, I am sure you have learned new success habits, you have fine tuned your goals, you have a purpose, you […]

Rectify your direction, goals and objectives.

Day 178 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! As we continue to get closer to our goals, it is important to frequently rectify our direction, our goals and our objectives. Are you still working towards your initial goal? Have you improved, enhanced and expanded that initial goal? Are you currently uncomfortable with your current expanded goals? Evaluate your feelings. […]