Email Marketing Works.

Day 38 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Email marketing can double or triple your income when used effectively. Thanks to technology, you can send a consistent and predictable message to your prospects and clients via email. Most businesses don’t do it. Marketing is an ongoing component of your business… if you don’t do it, you become irrelevant […]

How to Market Effectively.

Day 37 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Marketing your message effectively is one of the biggest challenges most entrepreneurs and business owners face every day. What do you say in your copy when you write a blog, send an email, post a message on social media… that’s your copy… the words you use, the words you choose […]


Day 36 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! There is never such a thing like too much marketing. We all under-market ourselves tremendously… and that can change if we change our marketing strategy. Marketing your services and products is essential to grow your business. Everyone has a different idea of what Marketing is and how to do it. […]

“YOU” and Your NetWorth.

  Day 35 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Most people believe that to build your networth you have to be super special, super smart or super famous. Not true! We all live in a time and space that we have at our fingertips tons of tools, mentors, ideas, systems, vehicles to do it; yet, few take advantage […]

“YOU” and Your Unique Message.

  Day 34 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Everyone can say what they sell. Everyone can describe benefits and advantages that their products or services bring. But, your unique message is totally exclusive to you. Let’s talk about this today… In a nutshell, what do you stand for? What do you value? What do you believe in […]

“YOU” and Your Social Media.

  Day 33 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Know that if you are building a business and your online presence, you will benefit from having a consistent social media presence. However, You do not need to be on every platform. You do not need to have millions of followers. You do not need to overwhelm yourself at […]

“YOU” and Your Website.

  Day 32 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! When you want to know more about someone’s services and products, what do you do? …You go searching online for their website immediately. When you want to know more about the individual, you go to their website, read the “About” section trying to gather information so you make a […]

“YOU” are the brand.

  Day 31 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! How relevant are you in your local market, in your area, in your city? Those who connect with you know how uniquely different you are in terms of working with you, your services and your products? Why should they work with you, buy from you, do business with you? […]

30 Days Building Wealth.

  Day 30 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Congratulations for keeping up your commitment to build your networth… YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED YOUR FIRST 30 DAYS OF THIS 365 DAYS CHALLENGE! THE TIME TO TAKE ACTION IS DAILY! Celebrate your progress. Celebrate your commitment. Celebrate YOU! Review the content from the past 30 days during your spare […]

Review Your Progress.

  Day 29 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Since you joined this 365 days challenge to build wealth, you have learned new things about yourself, you have more clarity towards achieving your goals, you have simplified your activities, you have put more focus on your most important activities, you have delegated many things already, you might be […]