Feel Good.

Day 123 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! How much emotion do you put behind your thoughts? Are you really excited? Are you low tone, quiet and uninspired? Depending on how you answer these questions, you will know if what you are doing right now is aligning with you or not. How can you know? Very simple… How […]

Review Your Emotions.

Day 88 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Your Emotions have the key that opens or closes your Bank accounts. Yes, if you feel good… you thrive. If you feel bad… you struggle. I know life happens for all of us and there are going to be events that will bring you down to your knees, but we […]

Feeling of… EMPOWERMENT.

Day 84 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!   EMPOWERMENT is by far the highest level where you will want to operate from on a daily basis as you build your Networth and your Life. The feeling of EMPOWERMENT is one where you know exactly what to do, what to say, how to solve any problems that come […]

Feeling of… HAPPINESS.

Day 83 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!   How are you creating happiness everyday? Are you feeling happy when you wake up? Mid-day? At dinner time? At work or business? When going to sleep?  Most people don’t even notice the level of dissatisfaction or disappointment they live in daily because they are so used to it that […]

Feeling of… PASSION.

Day 82 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! What are you passionate about when it comes to building a business and making money with that same passion? Most people hesitate to honestly answer when you put passion and money in the same question or sentence.  But, it is very possible to be extremely passionate about building a business […]

Feeling of… ENTHUSIASM.

Day 81 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Being enthusiastic as much as you can possibly be, gives you a huge leverage to build your business.  Enthusiasm is contagious! People want to be part of something fun. Something that makes them feel something beyond the same boring feelings. When things go well, it is easy to feel good. […]


Day 80 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! When you feel positive about something, do you feel good or bad? Sure you feel good. POSITIVENESS is a powerful mental state to be in, as much as you can, for as long as you can, daily, hourly and minutely.  The feeling of POSITIVENESS will enable you to move forward, […]

Feeling of… HOPEFULNESS.

Day 79 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! HOPEFULNESS is a bit stronger positive feeling than contentment. It is more like, things are starting to go my way and I have good expectations of the outcome.  Feeling hopeful while building your business will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. When […]

Feeling of… CONTENTMENT.

Day 78 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! A feeling of CONTENTMENT is a mild form of happiness. It is accepting of where you are under current circumstances. It is a mental state where you are vibrating more towards feeling good… and that is great to build a great networth. Being content is a good start if you […]