Day 97 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! FOLLOW UP is the one step most people in business overlook, miss or simply they don’t even acknowledge how important it is. THE MONEY IS IN THE FOLLOW UP. If you don’t follow up, you are wasting all your effort to get zero results. Guaranteed! Every time! Zero results! Nada! […]


Day 96 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! A PROFIT is not the same as a sale. Many companies sell millions, even billions, and they still don’t make a profit. Only those who figured out how to make profits stay in business long term and are able to create huge fortunes.  Most people are in survival mode, just […]


Day 95 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! YOU HAVE TO CLOSE YOUR SALES! After you present your business to prospective clients, you must be excited to the anticipation of those clients saying YES to you, but you must ask for the sale and you must close the sale. Most people get embarrassed to ask for the sale. […]


Day 94 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Have you ever met people at an event or at a bar… and 10 seconds later, they are pitching their business to you trying to sell you or recruit you? Sure you have… LOL… 😃😃😃 PRESENT your business elegantly and professionally keeping in mind that it is your job to […]


Day 93 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! PROSPECT every day. Easy, right? But, will you do it? Will you really be so disciplined to do it? Will you be consistent enough to see results?  In most cases, lack of prospecting new clients is the main reason why you don’t earn more income. Is not the product or […]


Day 92 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! After 12 weeks of continuous new knowledge and week 13 as a review week, we have survived our first quarter of this 365 days challenge to build wealth. Starting our second quarter towards achieving our goals is important to keep clear single steps that help us in our everyday to […]

Review Yourself.

Day 91 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Today, simply take a couple of minutes and evaluate yourself.  Be open. Be honest. Be yourself.  – Will you hire you? – Are you doing your very best every day? – Are you willing to hold yourself accountable for every decision you make? – Are you committed to building your […]

Review Your Progress.

Day 90 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! A new milestone… 90 days… into the 365 days challenge to build wealth! Today, CELEBRATE YOURSELF!  CELEBRATE HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME! CELEBRATE YOUR COMMITMENT! By now, do you realize how much progress you can create in only 90 days? Where attention goes, energy flows! Take inventory of the things […]

Review Your Dream Team.

Day 89 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Your big goals are achievable for sure and in order to achieve them, you know you require people to support your vision. Today, Review your team. Do you already have a real dream team? Are you in the process of putting it together? Do you need to let go of […]

Review Your Emotions.

Day 88 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Your Emotions have the key that opens or closes your Bank accounts. Yes, if you feel good… you thrive. If you feel bad… you struggle. I know life happens for all of us and there are going to be events that will bring you down to your knees, but we […]