50+ Mindset.

When people get to 50 they tend to slow down, resize down their home, cars and lives… BIG MISTAKE! Thinking bigger at 50 will always offers more value, opportunities and contribute more to the society. THINK GOING GLOBAL! 🌎

Real estate and your Cashflow!

Is your real estate cash flowing you in any way? Years ago, over 20 years now… I bought this game from Robert Kiyosaki to learn about how to cashflow… to learn about assets… to learn how to build wealth. I also bought it to teach and play with my wife Vianca and our kids Victor and Joshua… we made it […]

Real Estate and You!

When it comes to real estate, how do you feel you connect with real estate? Some people love to buy and sell it. Some people love to buy it and rent it. Some people love to build it new and keep it for a long time. Others, never buy, never rent it and never get to build wealth… In which […]

Coffee or Real Estate?

If you can start your day with coffee, you can start investing in real estate. 🌞🏘 Coffee, you’ll pee in 2 hours. Real estate, you’ll keep forever! You don’t have to choose, either/or… you can do both! 😀😀😀 Start working towards that million today! … here is the formula, 100Kx10=1million… ask me how you can do it with Real Estate!

Buy Low – Sell High Approach.

When the real estate market is hot like now, it is super easy to sell a property at a super high inflated price to a buyer that is willing to over pay, to skip inspections and to go to a closing table even if the deal makes no financial sense at all. But, Is that smart investing? NO. Is that […]