Timeline your Life.


Day 22 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

Draw a straight line on your notebook. Put a bold dot at the beginning of the line to signal when you were born. Write down your year of birth.

Then, think forward and guess until when you think you are going to live… go to the end of the line, put another bold dot and guess-timate the year you are going to die.

Is it 100 years? Is it more than 100?

Then, go to the middle of the line, write down the year and your age where you are 50/50 in your own timeline.

This is a brief introduction to timelining your life… and it is intended to help you visualize your own life.



Further subdivide your timeline in increments of 10 years at a time…

And now… make a general review of your life of the most important experiences you have already lived.

Write them down.

What was really memorable for you when you were 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and reached your current age.

Take your time. Do this exercise even though you might think this is silly, just do it.

Seeing with clarity the possibility of how much more you will live, it will give you a better perspective on how much money you will need in order to fund your lifestyle… remember, this challenge is to build wealth, your networth and to heal your finances, your money-blueprint.


P.S… To check out Day 1-21 of 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth… visit, www.GoNetworthing.com

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