Excuses or Results.

Week 52… Day 351 – 357… of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Time to assess and come clean with yourself as far as what you have really accomplished during this 365 days challenge to build wealth. Do you have more excuses? … or… Do you have more results? Your answer will tell you exactly where you stand right […]

Timeline Your Past.

Day 23 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Going back to your Timeline, let’s now focus on your past” for this day. Some of you will revive painful and unpleasant memories as you go through this exercise. However, have the courage to do it. Don’t quit on you today. You have already come this far. And tomorrow will […]

Timeline your Life.

  Day 22 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Draw a straight line on your notebook. Put a bold dot at the beginning of the line to signal when you were born. Write down your year of birth. Then, think forward and guess until when you think you are going to live… go to the end of the […]