90 Days Closer to Completion.

Week 41… Day 275 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! … 90 more days to go! Are you excited to get to completion? Are you enthusiastic, happy and proud of what you’ve being able to achieve in only 1 year of your life? I am. And I trust you’re too! Today, Take time to recap on what you’ve […]

Review your Goals Again!

Day 85 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! We have been crafting our new success path for the past 12 weeks so far.  Our initial goal was to build wealth for the next 365 days and change our lives forever.  How are you working out? How are you feeling? How much progress have you made? How committed are […]

30 Days Building Wealth.

  Day 30 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Congratulations for keeping up your commitment to build your networth… YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED YOUR FIRST 30 DAYS OF THIS 365 DAYS CHALLENGE! THE TIME TO TAKE ACTION IS DAILY! Celebrate your progress. Celebrate your commitment. Celebrate YOU! Review the content from the past 30 days during your spare […]

Timeline your Life.

  Day 22 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Draw a straight line on your notebook. Put a bold dot at the beginning of the line to signal when you were born. Write down your year of birth. Then, think forward and guess until when you think you are going to live… go to the end of the […]

Track how GOOD you feel.

  Day 17 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!   The way we feel dictates how we think, how we act, how we behave, how we react, how we execute, how we project ourselves, how others perceive us. There is so much unspoken conversation that is carried out that is totally controlled by the way we feel… that […]

Track Your Money.

  Day 16 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Where focus goes, energy flows… and the same is true for money. Awareness of where your money is going is important. Awareness of how much money is coming in is even more important. Read this again, Awareness of how much money is coming in is even more important. People […]