Track Your Time.


Day 15 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

Being productive, being efficient, being profitable are key elements to success… and time is the common denominator we all have. How we use our time is what makes the difference.

All high-networth individuals, all high-performing people use their time to the maximum.

They only do what matters most!

They delegate everything else. Period.

This is a simple formula to apply.

So, why are you diluting yourself trying to do a thousand things in your day?

Guess what… you are spinning your wheels with little or no results. How is that working out for you?

Starting today,

1. Track your time… see if you can keep up with writing down every activity you do this week on-the-hour. No exceptions.

2. Notice,
– How much time you waste on social media.
– How much time you rest, sleep, relax.
– How much time you spend on everyday activities.
– How much time you truly invest building your business, your networth, your wealth.

Trust me, you’ll be choked. You might even feel embarrassed to realize how poorly you perform on what is important, yet, you keep doing it.


Start today by tracking your time… and focus on networth-building activities ONLY.


P.S… To check out Day 1-14 of 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth… visit,

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