Keeping Yourself Pumped by MUSIC.

Day 102 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Let MUSIC fill you up with good vibrations.  Use music to help you change your mental state at any moment, any day, any time. When we listen to music we can literally change the way we feel in a matter of seconds. We can cry. We can scream. We can […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Resentment.

Day 77 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Resentment carried over time will profoundly hinder you and make you not good at all. Problems we encounter through life are difficult to overcome many times… and our dislike or dissatisfaction with the outcome make us recurrently go back and resent it and relive it again… we don’t leave it […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Depression.

Day 72 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Another emotion that is being very silently present in today’s reality is depression. Especially after covid-19, many people feel depressed. They don’t understand why. They feel not happy at all. They don’t even know what to do to feel better. And those people going through this right now might be […]

“YOU” and Your NetWorth.

  Day 35 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Most people believe that to build your networth you have to be super special, super smart or super famous. Not true! We all live in a time and space that we have at our fingertips tons of tools, mentors, ideas, systems, vehicles to do it; yet, few take advantage […]

Always Learn from Others!

Millionaire Approach Tip #19: “Always be willing to learn from others” ~Ms. Pino. EVERYONE brings VALUE to our life. Be willing to learn from others. Be willing to add value to others. Thank you for watching… for sharing… and for being willing to learn from others to enhance your own life! You may now purchase your copy of ‘A Millionaire’s […]


In this show, we will cover very briefly how important is to have the right MINDSET in order to become successful. Why having the right mindset is so crucial to achieve the results you want? How can you shift and at-will put yourself in the right mindset even when you are feeling not-so-excited? What to do? What not to do? […]