Does Size Matters?

Week 47… Day 316 – 322… of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Does size matters? … ask a woman. Does size matters? … ask a man. Size does matters… the size of your business matters and also the size of your ticket items. Building a business is a lot of work and so is working for a salary […]

My Takeaway on EXPANSION.

Week 45… Day 302 – 308… of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Since you joined this 365 days challenge, how many times have you found yourself thinking how much growth and expansion you have endured? We either expand or contract. If we contract, we are operating from fear and doubts. If we expand, we are definitely walking in […]

Create Your Own Inspirational Quotes.

Day 134 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Building your business is more about building yourself as you go… And the more you love and appreciate who you are, the better your journey will be. Create your own inspirational quotes… Share your thoughts… What you believe on… It will inspire you and others as well. And when you […]

Work with those who want to work with you.

Day 115 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! WORK WITH THOSE WHO WANT TO WORK WITH YOU… Spend zero time trying to convince others of your worthiness. Focus on building your business with the ones who join your vision. Time is precious and you are on a journey to build your networth… but equally important, you are building […]


The million dollar question: How do I deliver more VALUE to more PEOPLE in less TIME? All business owners and entrepreneurs ask themselves this question very frequently… especially when they are constantly looking for ways to expand and grow their businesses. But, how can you do it in a way that is easy… that is fast… and it is effective? […]