Build wealth on your terms.

Day 358… of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Final Takeaway #1: Building wealth is different, special and unique to each individual. Everyone has unique desires, goals, expectations and skill sets… only you know what you want. Period. You can learn from the success patterns of other people, but one size doesn’t fit all. The magic sauce, the trick, […]

Healthy Changes are Always Needed.

Week 41… Day 276 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! … 89 more days to go! Building your networth will require from you extra attention to changes around you and changes you are consciously creating. Healthy changes are needed in every area of your life ongoingly. Today, take into account what changes you need to make, … in […]

Detox from your BS.

Day 139 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Take a day like today to detox from your own BS (Belief System). Today dare, challenge, be inspired to do something different than the regular routine you do. Give your life a bit of a new flavor. If you normally drink coffee… drink tea instead. If you normally eat meat… […]

Success Blueprints.

Day 138 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Success is fairly easy to achieve when you understand the formula to achieve it. But, most people will sabotage their own success, even unconsciously. This is how you achieve success: 1. Choose something you do well and enjoy it. 2. Repeat it many times over. 3. See the results you […]


Day 97 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! FOLLOW UP is the one step most people in business overlook, miss or simply they don’t even acknowledge how important it is. THE MONEY IS IN THE FOLLOW UP. If you don’t follow up, you are wasting all your effort to get zero results. Guaranteed! Every time! Zero results! Nada! […]


Day 93 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! PROSPECT every day. Easy, right? But, will you do it? Will you really be so disciplined to do it? Will you be consistent enough to see results?  In most cases, lack of prospecting new clients is the main reason why you don’t earn more income. Is not the product or […]


Day 92 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! After 12 weeks of continuous new knowledge and week 13 as a review week, we have survived our first quarter of this 365 days challenge to build wealth. Starting our second quarter towards achieving our goals is important to keep clear single steps that help us in our everyday to […]