Protect Your Assets with Entities.

Day 108 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Building your networth requires that you study, learn and apply the strategies and tools that rich people use. Buying assets in your personal name is a big, huge mistake on your behalf. Instead, use companies like an LLC or a Corporation. Maybe a Trust. Buying assets in your personal names […]

Protect Your Income.

Day 107 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Did you know that you can insure your income in the case you get sick and can’t go to work or go to your business? Most people insure their homes, their cars, their expensive personal properties, even they insure their lives… but very few insure their income. While you are […]

How to Scale and Leverage your NetWorth?

  Day 14 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Do you have a Scale and Leverage strategy?   So far on this challenge, you are now aware of where you are financially and where you intend to be in 365 days. You are aware of where to focus your attention… your income, your cashflow, your activities, your skills. […]

Owning Assets is the Key to Grow your Networth.

  Day 10 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Assets put money in your pocket. Liabilities take money out-of-your-pocket… this is the best definition I have heard from Robert Kiyosaki.   When you sell a service or a product, you earn money… (asset)… but when you spend that money… you no longer have that asset… then, you go […]

Awareness of the Now.

If you are not aware of where you are financially right now, you might be adding an additional burden to yourself and your family. Are you financially healthy? Most people are not… How do you change that? #GONETWORTHING DAY-2 of the 365Days CHALLENGE to build wealth is now available. Go and check it out… Take action.     Visit to […]


Today, I want to invite you to think about YOUR NETWORTH. Are you building up your networth? Are you properly planning your retirement? Are you taking the right steps to build a life worth living? Most people are not… most people are simply going from day to day like zombies… from Facebook and Insta posts to the same the next […]