Education. Mindset. Real Estate Investing.

The right education creates the right mindset… which leads to assets… so those assets don’t get lost in the transfer to the next generation… STUDY REAL ESTATE INVESTING! 🌞🏠 Have you asked yourself how much money you will need to earn, accumulate and manage in order to live the lifestyle of your choice for the rest of your time on […]

The Price of your Networth.

Week 40… Day 273 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! … 92 more days to go! Have you ever heard the expression: “the cost of doing business”… ??? … I personally use it very frequently… because in business and in life we are always paying a price for everything we do. What price are you willing to pay […]


Week 37. Day 246 – 252 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! After so many weeks into this challenge, many of you will derail, will stop showing up, will find new excuses, will come up with new doubts and fears to stop yourself from moving forward… and you will do that because you are afraid of the unkown… […]

Owning your freedom is owning your power.

Day 159 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Today’s advice, Owning your freedom is owning your power. The freedom to do what you want has a price. The freedom to travel where you please has a price. The freedom to make decisions based on what your heart desires in the moment has a price. The freedom to enjoy the […]

Understanding Taxes. 7 of 7.

Day 154 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Finally, today we are finishing this section about taxes…LOL… 😃😃😃 Like I said at the beginning of the week, unless you are dead today, you will always have to deal with taxes… and since you are not dead yet, you better learn how to deal with taxes successfully and use every […]