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Success takes many Repeats!

Many of you don’t know this, but I was coached by the best trainers of the Cuban National Diving Team, Francisco Ferrer and his wife Susana… they made me jumped from the boards at least 100 times each day… it was very high performance and after hard work it won me gold, silver and bronze medals. ❤ Now, after so […]

Latin Quarters Building Calle Ocho Miami.

The Latin Quarters Building in Miami is one of the several projects where I was able to use my expertise in construction. Many years ago, I was awarded this painting contract when the building was getting built by Cazo Construction. Today, the building stands beautifully in an area that attracts thousands, if not millions, of tourists every year. Many restaurants, […]

Wealth Accumulation.

Are you thinking about accumulating wealth so you don’t have to worry about money anymore? Probably not… and even if you have thought about it, you might not be clear yet how you can realistically achieve such a goal. I want to invite you, to provoke you and to inspire you to spend some time… as much as you need… […]

What Are You UP to This Year?

The new year is here already… and many are very concern with diets, resolutions, goals, ideas, and, and, and… Well, today, I want to share a very simple and extremely powerful way to simplify your life for the NEXT TEN YEARS. Watch this short show and get the answer… is that simple! Thank you watching , for sharing and for […]

BYE 2018… WELCOME 2019!

This is the perfect time to let go of all the things that held you back this year… and cut the umbilical cord… UN-LEARN the old things that don’t serve you and RE-LEARN new ways to make you more happy, more prosperous in this upcoming 2019. YOU DESERVE IT. I DESERVE IT. WE ALL DESERVE IT! Now, go ahead and […]


I am delighted to share with all my online family and friends that my new book “I love LIVE streaming” is now available for your immediate enjoyment. Here: I decided to give FREE access to everyone in its digital version because it makes perfect sense when you see how the book works out for you. I trust you will […]

The value of VALUE.

I have been deeply reflecting on this topic lately because I have been thinking about the kind of life I want to live the next 5, 10, 30, 40 and 60 years to come… I often joke saying that I will live until 110 years young and if that stays true, I better create an amazing game plan so I […]

VIAMAR HOMES, my newest venture!

I am very HAPPYYYYYY to share with you all, my friends, my newest venture. I will be building new homes in the beautiful City of Cape Coral, Florida. I started my career many years ago. As a matter of fact, back in Cuba when I was only 19 years old at the time I graduated. My passion for building and […]

One year later… and now what?

It’s been a year I do not blog… wow… and that makes it a great point for those of you, business owners and entrepreneurs who are hustling every day… and see little or no results from your efforts. KEEP READING, I promise you, I will make you reflect deeply on how you want to continue running your current business. During […]