Protect Your Income.

Day 107 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Did you know that you can insure your income in the case you get sick and can’t go to work or go to your business? Most people insure their homes, their cars, their expensive personal properties, even they insure their lives… but very few insure their income. While you are […]

Protect Your Name.

Day 106 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Do you own your name? Do you own your name in a (dot) com? (  Most people do not.  Big mistake if you are building a business and your networth. Do you own your business name in a .com? As you continue to build your networth, you must think about […]

Keeping Yourself Pumped by YOUR OWN VISION.

Day 105 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Let your vision pull you forward. Let your vision make you jump from bed. Let your vision inspire you daily. Easily said. But many struggle keeping up their inspiration.  Why? Simple… their vision is not big enough… their vision is not clear… their vision is not in alignment with what […]

Keeping Yourself Pumped by BEAUTIFUL PLACES.

Day 104 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! There are beautiful places all around us. Just look. Just seek out the beauty everywhere you look. Results? Your world will be beautiful! Draw inspiration from different places around the world. Be genuinely interested in visiting different countries, different cities, different cultures.  As you build your business, imagine having people […]

Keeping Yourself Pumped by MUSIC.

Day 102 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Let MUSIC fill you up with good vibrations.  Use music to help you change your mental state at any moment, any day, any time. When we listen to music we can literally change the way we feel in a matter of seconds. We can cry. We can scream. We can […]

Keeping Yourself Pumped by SPORTS.

Day 101 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! What is your favorite sport? Do you like to practice that sport? Or… Do you only watch it on TV?  Either way, you can get the benefits of how sports can and will inspire you to perform better. If you have ever practiced any sport, you know that there are […]

Keeping Yourself Pumped by ARCHITECTURE.

Day 100 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Keeping yourself pumped by ARCHITECTURE will always keep you enthusiastic.  There is so much variety in architectural styles that you will never get bored or tired of looking at something new. We are constantly surrounded by real estate regardless of where in the world you might be… and with that […]

Keeping Yourself Pumped by NATURE.

Day 99 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Keeping yourself pumped all the time to achieve your goals is a big challenge for most people. If it is true that you must be consistent with your actions, that consistency is usually interpreted by our brain as boring and monotonous once we do it over and over again.  We […]