Keeping Yourself Pumped by NATURE.

Day 99 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

Keeping yourself pumped all the time to achieve your goals is a big challenge for most people.

If it is true that you must be consistent with your actions, that consistency is usually interpreted by our brain as boring and monotonous once we do it over and over again. 

We become desensitized by it and we start to drift into other actions that are farther apart from our goals… and we do it to keep us entertained and engaged.

So, what is the solution then to keep us pumped and in alignment with our goals?

Find different sources of inspiration. 

Draw inspiration from NATURE, for example.

Look at nature and all it has to offer as a focus and grounding point to keep you connected to your goals.

Let me explain a bit:

When you take a walk in nature, feel the stability of the ground, feel yourself being safe as you walk… make a mental connection that the same you can feel about what your business brings to you, stability and safety.

When you look at the many different varieties of plants as you walk… realize that they all coexist in pure harmony and every plant respects the one next to it… make a mental correlation that there are many similar businesses like yours… and all can create wealth individually without taking anything away from each other.

When you acknowledge that the oceans, the mountains, the rivers, the snow, the rocks, the trees are all different and that they all bring us some value… and you make a correlation that the same stands true for your business… you will no longer compete or defend your position… you will find peace within and will look at other businesses as new wonderful opportunities to co-create more wealth.

Drawing business inspiration from NATURE will be very soothing and relaxing to your soul.

You will feel enthusiastic, confident and inspired to keep on going everyday building your business, your networth and your wealth. 


P.S… To receive every piece of advice and recommendations up to now, to catch up with our “365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth”… visit,

P.P.S… To get a copy of my book, visit Amazon on this link, just click here!

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