How to Talk Yourself into Success.

Talk to yourself in a way that you will hear it and in a way that will serve you best. Today, I am happy to share with you the exact language, the exact words, the exact message I use every day before I do anything in the early morning. Let me introduce you to my Millionaire Approach Affirmations.  I talk […]

How to Reprogram your Mind for Success.

Today, I share my own philosophy for Success. By age 10, I was already playing a high-performing game. I was a high-performing athelete. I was a diver. I jumped from 1, 3 and 10 meters high. My coach was really tough on me, but I am glad she was that way. She taught me to play the best game, better […]

Understand How You and Others are Wired.

#GONETWORTHING DAY-3 of 365Days CHALLENGE to build wealth!   Today, you will find out your best skills, strengths and you will realize from now on how you best continue in your journey to build your net worth. Go and advance towards your future now… Visit to execute on DAY-3 of you Challenge.

Awareness of the Now.

If you are not aware of where you are financially right now, you might be adding an additional burden to yourself and your family. Are you financially healthy? Most people are not… How do you change that? #GONETWORTHING DAY-2 of the 365Days CHALLENGE to build wealth is now available. Go and check it out… Take action.     Visit to […]


Really Awesome day to launch the #GONETWORTHING 365 days CHALLENGE to build wealth. Are you ready to join? Are you ready to commit? It is FREE to participate and it is intended to help you laser-focus on one goal only:  Build wealth, build your networth. Instead of procrastinating, simply take action now and join…. Every day you will receive […]

MY SUNDAY MESSAGE: Prepare to Succeed.

Happy Sunday to all my friends around the world… Today, I want to invite you to prepare yourself to succeed. Today is perfect to commit to join me and many others to begin a new life-experience… commit to follow-thru for the next 365 days challenge to build wealth. Most people wake up everyday to go to a job or a […]

Choose Happy & Prosperous.

Our parents teach us the best they can and  know at the time… and most of the time, for many, those teachings are to struggle in life. It’s up to us to assess if that advice serve us well or if that advice perpetuates the struggle. There’s always a better way to do things. In today’s world, we have the […]