How to Heal your Real Estate Hell?

If you have lost homes due to foreclosure, death in the family, divorce, relocations, lost of income, etc… you are probably still silently grieving, oozing and hurting even if you manage to keep it quiet… even if those incidents happened 5,10,15, 20 plus years ago. Nobody likes to talk about it. Instead, people buried those feelings as deep and far […]

Memorial Day 2023.

We honor and remember those who bravely served our country and gave their lives in the name of freedom. Today, is a wonderful day to think about what you want in your life for you and your family. Today, is perfect to commit to freedom, especially, financial freedom, so you and your family enjoy more time together. Today, is ideal […]

The Mother of all Real Estate.

In observance and acknowledgement to Mother’s Day this year, we want to inspire you to consider becoming a real estate investor. We want to celebrate all women around the world that are currently raising children… that had raise their kids already… those who are raising grandkids… and also those who have lost their kids way to early. We are all […]

PASSIVELY Invest in Long-Term Rentals.

If you wholesale a property, you make a commission and then you are off to finding your next deal. If you buy, fix and sell a property, you make a one-time profit and off you go to looking for another fix & flip. How about earning ongoingly money for the rest of your life with rental properties? If you plan […]

Real Estate Humor.

Have you laughed today yet? We are happy to share with you a page from Facebook that you’ll love. If you are into real estate, for sure, you know what we are talking about. How about this one? Are you wanting to become a homeowner? Are interested in building Wealth? Wanting a buddy who understands you? LOL… And lastly, this […]

Real Estate Long-Term Goals.

Do you have Real Estate Long-Term Goals? Do you have a time, a date, by when you want to have already achieved these goals? Is it owning your primary residence? Is it to own rental single family homes? Is it to own commercial property, industrial or vacant land? Building wealth with real estate is definitely doable, but it is not […]

Easter loves Real Estate.

It is Easter time… and next year, at this time… you could very well be celebrating an amazing year because you decided to invest in Real Estate. Do not underestimate the power of your next 365 days! You can own property. You can rent property. You can renovate property. You can sell property. You can build property. You can totally […]

No-Limit-On-My-Income Mentality.

Are you a doctor, nurse, dentist, podiatrist, attorney, CPA, plumber, electrician, realtor, psychologist, massage therapist, healer, barber, teacher, coach, marketing consultant, writer ??? Are you in any business where YOU must be present every day for the value to be delivered ??? If, YES, then you got a limit on your current income. The solution: INVEST IN REAL ESTATE! The […]