Build a Bigger Income.

Week 40… Day 272 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! … 93 more days to go!

Commit to Build a Bigger Income… that’s the target you must reach in order to get out of survival-mode and shift into living-mode, creation-mode, asset-mode.

Most people spend more time trying to reduce their liabilities than creating more money.

Most people spend more time trying to cut here and cut there to make it seem like money last longer.

Most people do not take any time thinking how to create more income, more cashflow… and that keeps them years, even decades, in the same rat race.

Change your mindset now that you’re reading this…

Be more practical and admit to yourself that INCOME is what you need more of.

With more income, you can make faster decisions, easier decisions, grow your networth easier and faster… and enjoy a better lifestyle.

What are you doing this year to make more money?

I will stick with Real Estate… how about you?

That’s it!

This is my advice for today… get more mentoring tomorrow…


P.S… To receive every piece of advice and recommendations up to now, to catch up with our “365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth”… visit,

P.S.S… To get a copy of my book, visit Amazon on this link, just click here!

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