Healing Your Emotional Wounds.
Day 27 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!
We all carry wounds that sometimes, more than others, easily bleed when touched.
Our emotional wounds keep us away from moving forward with our lives. We get to the point that these wounds are part of our present that we grief and hurt every day without even being consciously aware of what we are doing on a daily basis.
What are those emotional wounds you carry with you?
Go back to your Timeline and look at your past… you will probably find them there if you were truly honest with yourself.
Allow yourself to release those wounds today by replacing your pain and putting in their place a new picture, a new outcome, a new perspective, a new view of you and your future life.
I know it is not easy to let go, but we must do it for our own sake and well-being.
Your job today is to substitute in your inner space where your wounds exist… replace that mental feeling with the new-you-life view… and for that, visit your timeline in your future to draw from there.
I have done this exercise many times… at first, I struggled with letting go… but as I did it several times, I started feeling better and hurting less… until I realized that my new reality is more joyful than the one I was stuck on for a while.
Do this exercise as many times as you want, as frequently as you need to… until you know you are stable in your emotions even when you think about these events that hurt you enormously.
Healing your emotional wounds will free you up to feel excited to build something new, bigger and better… and that also has to do with your finances, your career, your networth, your wealth and your life over all.
If you want to heal your finances, heal your emotions first… when you do, you will thank me later!
P.S… To check out Day 1-26 of 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth… visit, www.GoNetworthing.com