Timeline Your Past.

Day 23 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth!

Going back to your Timeline, let’s now focus on your past” for this day.

Some of you will revive painful and unpleasant memories as you go through this exercise. However, have the courage to do it. Don’t quit on you today. You have already come this far. And tomorrow will be better. Believe it and believe in yourself.


You are going to more specifically and purposefully jot down:

1. Your WORST memories, experiences and circumstances both in life and in business.

2. Your BEST memories, experiences in life and in business. Your BEST, most productive, most successful performances, most high-performing events, deals, etc.

Both, BEST and WORST reviews have totally and undoubtedly changed your life in many ways.

Notice the lessons you have learned. Notice the way you felt. Notice the way you still feel when you visit these memories in your mind.

Some memories you wished they never happened. I am sure. We all have those in our personal lives, but we need and must move forward.

This day, today, you might realize that many of this past memories are still holding you back. You fear, doubt, blame, justify, excuse and even grief, hate and resent yourself and others for what you had to go through.

Make an extra effort and be kind, gentle and soothing to yourself.

Acknowledge what happened. Acknowledge that you don’t have to stay there emotionally. Acknowledge that you must move on emotionally because you are going to change your life.

You are day-by-day transforming your life for the better. You are self-coaching, self-mentoring yourself to grow your networth, your wealth, but most importantly, you are creating a new life for yourself that makes you happy everyday.

And be willing to leave your past where it belongs… in the past!

Tomorrow, there will be an even better day… be excited to receive it with open arms.

Congratulations to you for coming this far with me on this journey! THANK YOU FOR SHOWING UP!


P.S… To check out Day 1-22 of 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth… visit, www.GoNetworthing.com

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