Why attend LIVE events? 5 Huge Tips I got from the MM Transfrom Event.

These past July 28-29-30/2017, I had the honor and privilege to attend the MM TRANSFORM EVENT in Delray Beach, Fl. I spent 3 days with people that I met for the first time and there are huge tips I want to share with you all… WHY?… Because when you are an entrepreneur, a business owner… you need to understand the value that LIVE events bring to your personal life and to your business.



Let me start by saying that last year, I did an interview to Lydia Martinez and her husband Ryan Ebling so they would talk about their awesome health and wellness business… back then, I didn’t know how much impact they were having in their community… and after attending their event, I want to share these tips with you all.





From the moment people showed up to the venue, everyone was smiling, very excited and offering to help. People showed up on time. The event started on time. Everyone was tuned in to perfection… I thought that was quite remarkable. I had been to many LIVE events and you can sense when people are doing things out of obligation rather than honest desire… here was not the case at all… everyone involved was extremely happy to be there and willing to help in every way.  As the event went on, I even said from stage that one of there most impactful things for me was how much heart you could feel in the energy of the room. Absolutely amazing!





I have said in several of my MsPinoLIVE shows that everyone has a powerful story to share with the world… and at this event, I had a bigger reaffirmation… I heard people speak from stage… it was their first time sharing their story… and I can tell you that each and everyone of them was amazing… I am totally certain that each story changed the people in the room.

Now, for you reading this blog… WHAT IS YOUR STORY? WHAT CAN YOU SHARE WITH THE WORLD? … and please,  do not tell me that yours is not that good, not that important… you and I know… it is pure excuse… YOUR STORY MATTERS! …so please SHARE IT!!! You never know who you will touch, who you will inspire and who will be quietly forever-thankful to hear your story because YOU changed their lives!





I loved the way Lydia, Ryan, Sye and Marcus were open to share their event with other entrepreneurs that were not even related to their business… myself, for example. Friends like Gordon Tredgold, Alicia Couri, Carlos Aristizabal just to mention a few… all in different business and industries were welcomed and embraced like family.

Where there is a mindset of abundance there will not be fear of losing, fear of taking away clients, fear of not enough… all the contrary.

The world is an all-inclusive environment and we are all supported and taken care of individually and collectively.





As the different speakers shared their stories, their failures and their successes… they were extremely passionate about their business… the reason WHY they were involved took first row.

Often times, entrepreneurs and business owners lose their reason, their purpose, their inspiration… and that kills all desires, all dreams and all progress. If you have felt like that before, you are not alone. I personally have had moments where I have felt completely lost… until I realized why… and the “WHY” is usually what have saved me to be back on track and move on. Do not quit. Never give up on your dreams!





Building great relationships takes time, dedication and a genuine interest in everyone involved. One thing I can tell you… after the 3 days, we all felt like we knew each other for a lifetime… many hugs, many smiles, many selfies, many awesome friendships were born to last forever. Our hearts and souls were filled with a sense of meaning and purpose. A sense of direction. A sense of clarity.


I will love that YOU, wherever you are in the world and in your life right now… take a moment and take inventory when was the last time you attended a LIVE event? When was the last time you met new people? When was the last time you literally were interested in getting to know amazing people that you have never met before?


I want to invite you to create new friends, new partnerships and join a community where you feel you belong!

Thank you for spending your time here with me and I look forward meeting you in person at a future LIVE event!


With much Love,


~Ms. Pino.


P.S. If you want to learn more about how Metabolic Method can help you or a family member, go to: www.MetabolicMethod.com


P.S. If you want to learn more about how to become a successful online entrepreneur, go to: www.HomeFreedomProgram.com

Here is an extra gift for you. Watch Lydia and Ryan talk about their awesome Metabolic Method.


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