Evaluating Dreams. Process 7 of 22.

Learn how to apply the Evaluating Dreams process in your life and in your business.

We all have dreams… but, what do they mean? how can we understand better the meaning of them and use that knowledge to improve our lives?



Well, in the book written by Esther & Jerry Hickes, “Ask and it is Given”, they share 22 amazing processes that are very powerful and very easy to use. One of these processes is about learning how to better interpret what our dreams are telling us on a continuous basis.

Enjoy this recent show where I share how I personally use this process to help me grow my business and my life!



I invite you to get a copy of my book “A Millionaire’s Approach” in Amazon and get yourself started.

Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/Millionaires-A…

Thank you for watching… for sharing… and for applying what you are learning into your business!!!

With Much Love,

~Ms. Pino.

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