How much MONEY you Want to Earn this year?

Welcome to 2017!
Welcome to new intentions!
Welcome to a wonderful new year!

Today, I want to provoke your thinking with one question: “HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU WANT TO MAKE…TO EARN… TO HAVE IN YOUR POSESSION THIS YEAR?”

I cordially invite you to watch this 4 minutes show:

What is that number for you?
What is that amount for you?

Now, that you have chosen a figure…

What are some of the most exciting experiences you SEE yourself doing this year because you will have the money to pay for it.

Make this a FUN exercise.
Feel the realness of the possibility of you in possession of that money.

How much more can you do this year?

In addition… I also want to provoke your thinking with a different perspective from The Teachings of Abraham… and here is a recent post I saw on their Facebook page:


As reading this post… do you feel better thinking in ALLOWING YOUR WELL-BE
ING to come through this year?

I wish for you to invest time in this matter as it will create a bigger desire to be, do and have all you want this amazing 2017!

Thank you for watching this show… for sharing this message… and for starting your year with a tangible, believable and achievable MONEY amount that will manifest in your life as you continue moving forward in the believe that you will HAVE IT!

See you all on my next blog!

With Much Love,

~Ms. Pino.



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