My Personal “WHY” movie 2015. World,

I decided to create this movie to share with all of you, millions of amazing souls… the magic of creating a world of wealth, a world of inspiration, a world of friendships, a world of success, a world of opportunities … a world where we all can be at our highest level… we all deserve it! … and we can start right now… this very moment… to live the life of our dreams.

I want to thank one of my mentors Bill Walsh for sharing the idea of the movie with me.

I also want to thank Jeff, my network marketing coach for mentoring me in this venture called RATV.

Thank you to my coaches and mentors at Peak Potentials for keeping me on path.

I definitely want to thank Jordan Belfort for sharing his knowledge, tips and techniques with his system…

To my parents who have always loved me unconditionally… A HUGE THANK YOU !!!

Last… and very, very, very close to me… I want to thank Vianca for been next to me in each and every step I have taken for the past 19 years… THANK YOU, MY LOVE!!!

I look forward meeting you all in person… and I THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE for doing your part to CREATE A BETTER WORLD FOR ALL !!!

Ms. Pino.

And here is the link so you can dance to music on the video, yet most importantly, listen to the meaning of the lyrics… And go forward to join us in our Financial Freedom Movement by becoming a ” Broadcaster of Good News”.


Love you all, ~Ms. Pino.


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