“YOU” and Your NetWorth.

  Day 35 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Most people believe that to build your networth you have to be super special, super smart or super famous. Not true! We all live in a time and space that we have at our fingertips tons of tools, mentors, ideas, systems, vehicles to do it; yet, few take advantage […]

Timeline your future

Day 24 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! An empty future is not fun. A boring future is not what you want. Life is more fun when we are happy, excited, thrilled and inspired. Your future is like a clean canvas where we have total freedom to paint it the way we want to become real… and we […]

Planning Your Success.

  Day 21 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Being successful takes lots and lots of planning. You will need to shed your old-mindset and replace it with a complete new-millionaire-approach-mindset. Since you know what you want to achieve, only you are responsible for crafting that path. Plan your days. Plan your activities. Plan who you surround yourself […]

Owning Assets is the Key to Grow your Networth.

  Day 10 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Assets put money in your pocket. Liabilities take money out-of-your-pocket… this is the best definition I have heard from Robert Kiyosaki.   When you sell a service or a product, you earn money… (asset)… but when you spend that money… you no longer have that asset… then, you go […]


Today, I want to invite you to think about YOUR NETWORTH. Are you building up your networth? Are you properly planning your retirement? Are you taking the right steps to build a life worth living? Most people are not… most people are simply going from day to day like zombies… from Facebook and Insta posts to the same the next […]