The Process of Meditation.

Day 132 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! The Process of Meditation is extremely helpful when you want to raise your energy level, your feeling-good state and your personal vibration. Meditation acts as a clearing mechanism for you to let go of your resistant thoughts, including your fears, doubts and limiting beliefs.     See you on our […]

Keeping Yourself Pumped by SPORTS.

Day 101 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! What is your favorite sport? Do you like to practice that sport? Or… Do you only watch it on TV?  Either way, you can get the benefits of how sports can and will inspire you to perform better. If you have ever practiced any sport, you know that there are […]

Patience is a Skill.

How often do we get agitated while waiting for someone to show up? How anxious and fearful do we react when things, people, events, money, results do not show up when we are expecting it? Practicing PATIENCE all the times is the easiest way to feel completely aligned with who you are. Practicing PATIENCE is the most effective way you […]