A Million. A Loss. A Legacy. My Story.

Today, I will read to you chapter 5 from the book: “PICKING BEHIND THE SCENES”. I personally wrote this material as my participation and contribution to this wonderful project led by my dear friend Jennifer Low. Chapter 5: Self-Empowerment: That’s the Secret Sauce in the Journey to Success. I will share 3 stories: Story #1: What does it take to […]

Keeping Yourself Pumped by SPORTS.

Day 101 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! What is your favorite sport? Do you like to practice that sport? Or… Do you only watch it on TV?  Either way, you can get the benefits of how sports can and will inspire you to perform better. If you have ever practiced any sport, you know that there are […]


Day 97 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! FOLLOW UP is the one step most people in business overlook, miss or simply they don’t even acknowledge how important it is. THE MONEY IS IN THE FOLLOW UP. If you don’t follow up, you are wasting all your effort to get zero results. Guaranteed! Every time! Zero results! Nada! […]