Understanding Taxes. 4 of 7.

Day 151 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Tax-Free Wealth: How to build massive wealth by permanently lowering your taxes… by Tom Wheelwright… is the material we are sharing this entire week. Tom is a Certified Public Accountant and one of the Rich Dad Advisors. Pigs and Pals… When you combine your pigs with pals you get the best […]

Quote of the Week.

Day 147 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Quote of the Week: “GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF BELIEVING IN YOURSELF ” This is pretty simple advice that I am sure you are going to allow today in your world. Be thankful for every minute so far that you have lived. Be appreciative of all the new adventures that are […]

140 Days of Wealth Building.

Day 140 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Review. Reflect. Redesign. Restore. Reset. Retake. Remember. For many of us, if we go back to day 1 of the 365 days challenge to build wealth, it may seem so far back and distant. We may realize how much we have personally, emotionally and financially grown since then. That is […]

Blindspots for Success.

Day 135 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! What you don’t see will hurt you. What you don’t acknowledge will delay you. What you are not aware of will work against you most of the time. As you build your networth and your life, wouldn’t it be nice if you could move faster, more effectively and have more […]

Virtual Reality.

Day 130 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Virtual Reality will become your everyday reality when you have an awareness of feeling-good as you build your business and your life. Learn to use this process to your advantage. It is so awesome to allow yourself to feel-good that from that space you can create even more of the […]

Your Money.

Day 126 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Even though this lesson I first taught back when we were welcoming 2017… It is a perfect fit for today as we are on 126 day of our 365 days challenge to build wealth. Welcome your new intentions! Welcome yourself to a wonderful year! Today, I want to provoke your […]

Plan of Action.

Day 124 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Is your PLAN OF ACTION in place? Do you have a DEFINITE PLAN? This show is intended to bring you clarity and help you get your plan of action in place for this year, so you can confidently step-by-step move forward and toward your desired goals and dreams. Invest the […]

Execute. Execute. Execute.

Day 121 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Are you willing to take action on your plan? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your own plan of complete success? I hear a big YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Now, it is time to IMPLEMENT. In order to see your desired results , you will do, you will follow […]

Define Your WHY.

Day 120 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Do you truly know WHY you do what you do? Do you know WHY you get up in the mornings? Do you know WHY you are living your life the way you are living it? You might know. You might not be so sure. You might have no clue as […]

Assess for Better or Worse.

Day 119 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! ASSESS FOR BETTER OR WORSE… Every time you are not sure which way to go, simply ask yourself: Is this “better or worse” than…  I learned this from my optometrist… I found it funny at first when I was asked the same… is this better or worse, referring to how […]