Keeping Yourself Pumped by BEAUTIFUL PLACES.

Day 104 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! There are beautiful places all around us. Just look. Just seek out the beauty everywhere you look. Results? Your world will be beautiful! Draw inspiration from different places around the world. Be genuinely interested in visiting different countries, different cities, different cultures.  As you build your business, imagine having people […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Anger.

Day 74 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! When emotions are high, reasoning decreases, common sense becomes nonexistent and the results can be detrimental to everyone involved. Anger is another emotion that is present at some degree in our daily environment and we might not even notice because we are too busy or because we manage to cover […]

Emotions We Must Heal: Hatred.

Day 73 of the 365 Days CHALLENGE to Build Wealth! Do you hear people around you saying: “I hate this. I hate that. I hate my job. I hate my life”. Hatred is a very strong and powerful emotion. Actually, a very negative strong emotion that leads to destruction, pain and more suffering. As a leader, as a business owner,  […]