My B.S.R.I. Cuadrant to Real Estate. Stream #689.
For years, I have being a dedicated student, supporter, mentee and follower of Robert Kiyosaki...and as a result, he inspired me to come up with my own quadrant...especially now that I am sharing 4 different approaches to see the real estate world. The mindset of a BUYER is very different than one of a SELLER...and even more of a REALTOR... not to mention, the astronomical discord you will find when you start thinking, acting and executing like an INVESTOR. Well, in my book, "A Millionaire's Approach to Real Estate", I have segmented the book in these four sections to dive in and teach you how to benefit from each and every one of them. I definitely prefer the INVESTOR mindset because it gives you the most advantage to create the life you want and retire rich. Thank you for watching...for learning from my teachings and for sharing this content further on your websites, blogs and social media platforms for others to benefit as well.