I Am Not Your Guru. Live Stream #433.
Have you watched the new documentary: "Tony Robbins: I am not your guru"? If you have: CONGRATULATIONS!!! If you have not: it is time right now... Today, we want to inspire you to change your life in such a way that you will forever you HAPPY! We invite you to watch this show. We STRONGLY invite you to watch the documentary. Ask yourself: - Who am I? - What is my purpose in this lifetime? - Why do I want to change myself? Why do I do what I do? - What is one (1) thing I am willing to change today to make my life Happier and even more Prosperous? Please honestly answer these questions by going deep to your core, by going to that place inside you where you know you are completely honest, authentic and 100% real. Your decision TODAY will shape the rest of your Life. Make the commitment to be: 100% HAPPY & 100% PROSPEROUS. To watch the documentary now, go to : https://www.tonyrobbins.com/documentary/ To watch the LIVE Q&A in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1752545811687008/ Thank you all for watching our show and for making the commitment to change YOURSELF starting today!