#Do.You.Hashtag.? Live Stream #200.
Welcome back to another Mspinolive- welcome all of you! Thank you for connecting with us. Welcome Vianca to another show. #mspinolive.com- #happyfriday...#hellomybeautiful friends Do you guys know about this hashtag thing??? Vianca came up with this great idea to talk about this topic today....we have never talked about this trend before...and it is a popular trend that people are using daily. Do you hashtag#? do you know exactly what is to hashtag? how to use it? where it first came out and who came up with this idea? ... Well, Vianca will be sharing more about this #topicwithyouguys. #liveshow, #livestream,#today, #mspino, #ReallyAwesomeTV, #ratvlive, #viancatv, #coughisworkingout, #drinkwater... Hashtag simply put is a way people search for tweets in twitter that have a common topic....so if you do #gravity all of the tweets that contain the word Gravity will show up...this includes the movie...so it's more like a...to narrow it down the search of all the things that have been tweeted about one specific keyword... By the way this is not a function from Twitter...any user can create a #(hashtag) by simply adding it to their own tweet. Hashtag is a simple "#" number symbol- and people put it in front of a word...so with that, people create communities and groups for keywords. At times people misuse it...they hashtag everything...without any purpose...just going with the trend. Hashtag is another tool that allows people to have easiness when doing a specific research...or better yet if you are a business owner that is looking to promote and brand your business, hashtags are great to use because you can hashtag a word that will identify your business. Ummm....do you hashtag??? #friday, #i'mhavingfun, #ilovelaughter, #ilovemylife, #letshaveaconversationjusthaving#, #live,#tweets,#twitter,#whatareyouhavingforlu nch, #carneripiada, #ropavieja, #whiterice, #platanoverde, #tostones, #lemonade, #colesalad, #cabbagesalad, #withtomatoe, #i'mgoingtohaveplentyofit. #I'mgoingtohavefunduringlunchtime, #laughing, #havingagoodtime, #happyfriday, #youaregoingtohavefunwritingallofthisonthedes criptionofthevideo, #iloveit..... Vianca's tip to use the hashtag in a fun way...whenever a negative thought comes into your mind, just hashtag it like...#nodrama, #nonegativethoughts,...see... this is fun so it takes the negative thoughts away bringing laughter into your life... So, do you hashtag??? #yourthoughtscreate, #yourreality, #co-createwithothers, #loveyouruniverse, #enjoylife.... Today is a special day for us because we are celebrating our 200 consecutive LiveStream show...so how would you hashtag it??? #200livestreamshow, #200liveshow, #200livestraemmspinoliveshow....#hashtag, #hashtag, #hashtag.... Tomorrow, we'll have hash browns instead of hashtags... #dennys, #breakfast, #fun... Thank you for #sharingthisshow!!!! #powerwhoosh, #besafe, #ericahurricane, #besafe Thank you for watching this show. Thank you for sharing our message around the world with your friends and family. We all deserve to live at our very, very,very BEST! P.S. START YOU BUSINESS HERE: http://pap.ratvlive.com/affiliates/tour.php