Self-Approval. Live Stream #173.
Do you totally accept yourself? Do you Approve of yourself without holding back? ... well, many will think about these questions and take some time to answer... they will try to find the perfect words, the most appropriate acceptable answers, the politically correct way of saying things without hurting anyone's feelings along the way...all of it is just justifying and/or covering up the true real way you feel about yourself and the way you see how others will see you. When you Master Self-Approval... you will feel liberated from your own self-judgment... you will be 100% confident to carry out into the world all of your dreams and ideas without any hold back. You will invest in yourself. You will carry yourself happily everywhere you go with a smile in your face. You will spend no time in activities and people that will not align with your inner vision. You will put your money where your mouth is. You will excel your own performance. You will feel extremely happy to show up with your very BEST version of yourself everywhere you go. You will be happy, joyful, awesome... and the world around you will reflect exactly how you feel. Take TIME to INVEST in YOURSELF!!! P.S. START YOU BUSINESS HERE: