Random Questions. Real Answers. Live Stream #72.
Welcome to another show of mspinoLIVE. Today is our 72th LIVESTREAM TV Show and it is about : "RANDOM QUESTIONS. REAL ANSWERS." We decided to play a game. We decided to have some fun and share it with you all completely LIVE. We just opened the book randomly... and these are the questions that we got for this show: - Do you have any dreams that recur? Why do you think you continue to have that dream? - What kind of recipes do you gravitate towards? example: desserts, casserole or drinks? - If you could win a lifetime supply of anything you choose, what would you choose? - Tell about the last time you felt guilty? - Describe your favorite article of clothing? - Tell about your first childhood home, or your first apartment or house of your own? - When have you felt like "the new kid"? - What is the most useful tool you own? Feel free to answer and share yours comments with us. We want to hear what you have to say... just do it for FUN!!! And don't forget to: LAUGH. LEARN. LIVE AT YOU BEST....that's our LATEST slogan for the show... because we want to make you laugh every time you watch our shows... we want you to learn new things, new ideas, new strategies that will help you in your own life every day... we want that you live a better life ... WE WANT YOU TO LIVE AT YOUR BEST... you deserve it... we all deserve it... so why not start TODAY. We are very happy to bring this show to you and we are committed to make you LAUGH, LEARN & LIVE AT YOUR BEST. Feel free to reach out to us and if you or someone you know would like to be part of our LIVE show, give us a call, send us an email, chat on Facebook. Thank you for watching our show today and please, please , please share with the world. Remember, someone out there needs a word of hope TODAY. We are LIVE Monday-Friday at 12:00 Noon (EST) on www.mspinolive.com