
A thousand people are going to doubt you. One person is going to believe in you…and that person better be you. If you have you, plus one, now you have a power-team. Follow your dreams. Make them happen.🌞🏠

Raise Your Happy this 2023.

2023 can be the year where you make incremental and sustainable changes in your life in order to enjoy that life that you keep wanting, that you keep desiring, that you keep envisioning… and that still feels like a bit far from you. Close that gap starting right now! Do things that make you happy. Spend time with those who […]

5 Free Gifts from Ms. Pino!

One week after the holidays and I will love to re-invite you to take a look at the many resources we have made available in our website to help you make 2023 your most awesome year. Success takes time, consistency, patience, vision and purpose. Start this week and join our free-Gonetworthing community. Build your wealth this year. Connect with success-minded […]


My lovely wife Vianca wrote and shared this message in her Facebook page… and I asked permission to share it here on my page… so all of our friends from around the world receive this beautiful and inspiring message… here we go: Dear Loved ones❀, 2022 was spectacularly different for me, I have no complaints and no regrets… 2022 brought […]

Merry Christmas!

Good morning Everyone, Thank you all for your support, your time and most of all for your friendship… May the spirit of This Season fill Your Home with Peace, Joy, Prosperity, Happiness and Love… Merry Christmas to all of you! πŸŽπŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ„πŸŽ  

Pool Cleaning Service.

When you hire a pool service company, make sure they: 1. Test your water weekly. 2. Add the correct amount of chemicals every week. 3. They scrub the walls properly, so algae doesn’t build up. Your pool should look crystal clear every day of the week… if it’s not, fire them.

Private Lender Expo.

This week we attended the Private Lender Expo in Atlantic City, New Jersey. We met with direct lenders who are excited to fund our new construction homes as a portfolio. We met with Tamairo & Jay who are a successful real estate broker & property managers team . We are very excited about what 2023 will bring to all of […]