Why eliminate DISTRACTIONS? Live Stream #622.
Do you waste time on your daily practice? How many times you get distracted and do something else less relevant in your business? We all do... no wonder why must of us procrastinate in doing things that are truly important. Today, I want to ask you a few questions and have you take inventory of what you are doing to grow your business faster and more effectively? How many clients are you away from reaching a break even point and step up to your next level? Maybe less than you think. To get to your next level, you will get it done faster if you commit to eliminate some of the distraction you are now entertaining. What are those distractions for you: Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, Nonsense conversations, Reviewing blast emails from 1,000 people, networking events not yielding any results... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE TAKE INVENTORY... AND MAKE THE ADJUSTMENTS QUICKLY. Get focused about the easiest way you will up your game.!!! it is up to you! Thank you for watching. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for getting serious about expanding your business!!! Get a copy of my book now, ALL SALES PROCEEDS GO TO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS! Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/Millionaires-Approach-Transform-Failures-Success/dp/154284035X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1492010054&sr=8-1&keywords=ms+pino