Creating through Vibration. Live Stream #572.
Today, I want to share this awesome message from Abraham-Hicks: "Hard work is not the path to Well-Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don't create through action, you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you." Most business owners and entrepreneurs are always hustling, hustling, hustling and feeling like they are like a hamster in a wheel., every day and all the time. Why is that? Is there a better way to reach our goals with less effort? with more enjoyment? with more happiness? Well... I believe it is! And certainly, when you learn about the Teachings of Abraham, you will find one and a million answers to your own questions. You will realize that we are here to FEEL GOOD all the time, every day, in everything we do, regardless what it is. Visit, to find out more about how you will benefit from this material. Now, for your business, find out what best suits you. Find out if this perspective will make you FEEL BETTER! At the end, everything you do... you are doing it in order to achieve what you want.. you are doing it to create the life that you truly want... so what if... if you make it easier, faster, more enjoyable along the way as you go through your journey? Create through VIBRATION. Thank you for watching this show... for sharing this message with those you know will benefit... and for making the decision to align yourself first in order to create what you want!