Budgeting 101 for your Business. Live Stream #517.
Creating the right budget for your business and your personal life is essential for EXPANSION. Are you shy when projecting how money to need to do what you want in your business? Are you usually short when asking an investor for money? Today, we share awesome advice that we know you will find incredibly valuable, both for our business and your personal life. Invest time creating a comprehensive budget for your business or your new venture...make sure you include all of the different components we mentioned on this show. Review your budget regularly...in business, we are always CORRECTING and MOVING FORWARD... so do not feel bad for having to go back and re-adjust your numbers. ENJOY THIS WONDERFUL PROCESS!... because that is your business. Thank you for watching. Thank you for sharing our message with those you know will benefit. Thank you for making the commitment to grow and expand your business by creating the budget that will allow you to make your dreams come true.