How to weather a storm?. Live Stream #488.
Are you ready to weather the storm? How do you prepare to weather a storm? Today we want to share our thoughts and ask you to be open to the possibility to think and act calmed, be relaxed and with focus as you handle challenges...the current storms in your life and in your business. As we prepare to deal with Hurracane Matthew...people in the streets are running around in fear, overwhelm and with desperation to collect all they need for their household. People are acting even irrationally. Now, will it be a better approach to stay calmed, be polite, have courtesy, be patient, and still get things done? Do not allow others to pull you in their turmoil... stay true to yourself... stay happy even when a storm is coming. Now, it is Hurracane Matthew, but tomorrow will be a different storm we all deal with, like the storm of our personal lives, our business, our relationships, our health. Make it a purpose to be cool, calmed and collected at all time. Handle your challenges with ease, with kindness and with the infinite inner guidance you already have. Trust yourself. Trust your inner you. You got this my friends! Thank you for watching this show. Thank you for sharing this message. Thank you for choosing peace, love, happiness and prosperity every day! P. S. In this show I mentioned Dr Donna Goldstein as the person who posted a positive post about the Hurricane Matthew. I made a mistake. It is Dr. Paula Goodman-Liebeskind who made such great post. I apologize for the mistake. And I thank both of you amazing ladies to be so present in my mind.